вторник, 28 июля 2015 г.

Совсем чуть-чуть сикхских гимнов

Будучи весной в пути, Дивья писала: 
«... Секрет сикхов отчасти разгадан — это их священные гимны, которые надо читать каждый день поутру в самые амритные предрассветные часы. И всё. И спасение обеспечено, и эго растворится (по словам переводчика-комментатора). Чем больше их читаешь — тем ближе к Богу. И не надо уходить в отшельничество и совершать какие-либо аскезы: лишь как можно чаще повторять имена Бога — их гимны — и жить в миру согласно заветам гуру».

It is not within man`s power to speak or to keep quiet.
The man has no power to beg or to give.  
The man has no power to live or to die.
It is not within his power to acquire kingdom and riches, which cause disturbance in the mind.  
It is not within his power to gain understanding of the Divine Knowledge or God`s meditation.
It is not within man`s power to find the method of freedom from the world`s bondage.  
God, in Whose hands the power is, does it and beholds it.
Nanak says: none can become good or bad because of his own strenght. 

 «Конечно, на панджаби это звучит гораздо красивее и короче (как будто переводчик пытается изложить смысл одного емкого слова через его описание несколькими английскими...»

What was the time, the moment, the lunar day, the week day,
What was the season and the month, when the world was created? 
Had the Puranas reffered to this, the pandits would have discovered the time?
Nor do the qazis, who write Quran, know the time. 
Neither yogis nor anyone else knows the lunar day, the week day, season and month.
The Creator, Who creates the world, alone knows this. 
How to express, to praise, to describe and to know God?
Nanak says: all give discourses about God and each one thinks himself to be wiser then the other.

Grand are the Master, His Name and glory and what he does must happen.
Nanak says: if someone thinks himself to be powerful to do things or thinks himself to be the knower of God, he will not be honoured in the next world. 
There are nether worlds and more nether worlds below them and there are lacs of skies over them. 
The Vedas says people are tired of searching the limits and boundaries of God. 
The saint, the eighteen Puranas and four religious books of jews, christian and muslims conclude that God is limitless.
If there be any account of God, then alone the mortal could write it; but His account does not finish and the mortal would die while writing it. 
Nanak says: one should call Him great and God himself knows His ownself.  
Praisers praise God, yet they do not get enough understanding.
It is like streams and rivers falling into the ocean and not knowing its limits.

Kings and emperors owning properties, wealth, oceans and mountains
Are not equal even to an ant, who in its mind never forgets God. 


Whatever has been created is His Name.
There is no place without God`s Name. 
What power can describe God and his schemes?
I cannot even once be a sacrifice to God. 
Whatever pleases God is a good undertaking.
God, the formless, ever exist without any fear. 
If hands, feet and body are covered with dust,
The dust is washed with water. 
When clothes is soiled with urine,
These washed with soap. 
When mind becomes polluted with sins
It is washed by coloring it with Name.

Гуру Нанак

P.S. В этот раз мы помчались в благословенную страну, дабы попасть на национальный праздник благодарения, чествования своих учителей и наставников, который отмечается в полнолуние месяца Ашад и изначально посвящён великому сикхскому Гуру Нанаку.

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